事实证明,在学习环境中,社会智能代理(SIA)的部署在不同的应用领域具有多个优势。社会代理创作工具使场景设计师能够创造出对SIAS行为的高度控制的量身定制体验,但是,另一方面,这是有代价的,因为该方案及其创作的复杂性可能变得霸道。在本文中,我们介绍了可解释的社会代理创作工具的概念,目的是分析社会代理的创作工具是否可以理解和解释。为此,我们检查了创作工具Fatima-Toolkit是否可以理解,并且从作者的角度来看,其创作步骤可以解释。我们进行了两项用户研究,以定量评估Fatima-Toolkit的解释性,可理解性和透明度,从场景设计师的角度来看。关键发现之一是,法蒂玛 - 库尔基特(Fatima-Toolkit)的概念模型通常是可以理解的,但是基于情感的概念并不那么容易理解和使用。尽管关于Fatima-Toolkit的解释性有一些积极的方面,但仍需要取得进展,以实现完全可以解释的社会代理商创作工具。我们提供一组关键概念和可能的解决方案,可以指导开发人员构建此类工具。
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Experience management is an emerging business area where organizations focus on understanding the feedback of customers and employees in order to improve their end-to-end experiences. This results in a unique set of machine learning problems to help understand how people feel, discover issues they care about, and find which actions need to be taken on data that are different in content and distribution from traditional NLP domains. In this paper, we present a case study of building text analysis applications that perform multiple classification tasks efficiently in 12 languages in the nascent business area of experience management. In order to scale up modern ML methods on experience data, we leverage cross lingual and multi-task modeling techniques to consolidate our models into a single deployment to avoid overhead. We also make use of model compression and model distillation to reduce overall inference latency and hardware cost to the level acceptable for business needs while maintaining model prediction quality. Our findings show that multi-task modeling improves task performance for a subset of experience management tasks in both XLM-R and mBert architectures. Among the compressed architectures we explored, we found that MiniLM achieved the best compression/performance tradeoff. Our case study demonstrates a speedup of up to 15.61x with 2.60% average task degradation (or 3.29x speedup with 1.71% degradation) and estimated savings of 44% over using the original full-size model. These results demonstrate a successful scaling up of text classification for the challenging new area of ML for experience management.
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Multimodal integration of text, layout and visual information has achieved SOTA results in visually rich document understanding (VrDU) tasks, including relation extraction (RE). However, despite its importance, evaluation of the relative predictive capacity of these modalities is less prevalent. Here, we demonstrate the value of shared representations for RE tasks by conducting experiments in which each data type is iteratively excluded during training. In addition, text and layout data are evaluated in isolation. While a bimodal text and layout approach performs best (F1=0.684), we show that text is the most important single predictor of entity relations. Additionally, layout geometry is highly predictive and may even be a feasible unimodal approach. Despite being less effective, we highlight circumstances where visual information can bolster performance. In total, our results demonstrate the efficacy of training joint representations for RE.
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Only increasing accuracy without considering uncertainty may negatively impact Deep Neural Network (DNN) decision-making and decrease its reliability. This paper proposes five combined preprocessing and post-processing methods for time-series binary classification problems that simultaneously increase the accuracy and reliability of DNN outputs applied in a 5G UAV security dataset. These techniques use DNN outputs as input parameters and process them in different ways. Two methods use a well-known Machine Learning (ML) algorithm as a complement, and the other three use only confidence values that the DNN estimates. We compare seven different metrics, such as the Expected Calibration Error (ECE), Maximum Calibration Error (MCE), Mean Confidence (MC), Mean Accuracy (MA), Normalized Negative Log Likelihood (NLL), Brier Score Loss (BSL), and Reliability Score (RS) and the tradeoffs between them to evaluate the proposed hybrid algorithms. First, we show that the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) classifier might not be reliable for binary classification under the conditions this work presents. Second, we demonstrate that at least one of the potential methods can achieve better results than the classification in the DNN softmax layer. Finally, we show that the prospective methods may improve accuracy and reliability with better uncertainty calibration based on the assumption that the RS determines the difference between MC and MA metrics, and this difference should be zero to increase reliability. For example, Method 3 presents the best RS of 0.65 even when compared to the XGB classifier, which achieves RS of 7.22.
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Chronic pain is a multi-dimensional experience, and pain intensity plays an important part, impacting the patients emotional balance, psychology, and behaviour. Standard self-reporting tools, such as the Visual Analogue Scale for pain, fail to capture this burden. Moreover, this type of tools is susceptible to a degree of subjectivity, dependent on the patients clear understanding of how to use it, social biases, and their ability to translate a complex experience to a scale. To overcome these and other self-reporting challenges, pain intensity estimation has been previously studied based on facial expressions, electroencephalograms, brain imaging, and autonomic features. However, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been attempted to base this estimation on the patient narratives of the personal experience of chronic pain, which is what we propose in this work. Indeed, in the clinical assessment and management of chronic pain, verbal communication is essential to convey information to physicians that would otherwise not be easily accessible through standard reporting tools, since language, sociocultural, and psychosocial variables are intertwined. We show that language features from patient narratives indeed convey information relevant for pain intensity estimation, and that our computational models can take advantage of that. Specifically, our results show that patients with mild pain focus more on the use of verbs, whilst moderate and severe pain patients focus on adverbs, and nouns and adjectives, respectively, and that these differences allow for the distinction between these three pain classes.
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自成立以来,建立在广泛任务中表现出色的普通代理的任务一直是强化学习的重要目标。这个问题一直是对Alarge工作体系的研究的主题,并且经常通过观察Atari 57基准中包含的广泛范围环境的分数来衡量的性能。 Agent57是所有57场比赛中第一个超过人类基准的代理商,但这是以数据效率差的代价,需要实现近800亿帧的经验。以Agent57为起点,我们采用了各种各样的形式,以降低超过人类基线所需的经验200倍。在减少数据制度和Propose有效的解决方案时,我们遇到了一系列不稳定性和瓶颈,以构建更强大,更有效的代理。我们还使用诸如Muesli和Muzero之类的高性能方法证明了竞争性的性能。 TOOUR方法的四个关键组成部分是(1)近似信任区域方法,该方法可以从TheOnline网络中稳定引导,(2)损失和优先级的归一化方案,在学习具有广泛量表的一组值函数时,可以提高鲁棒性, (3)改进的体系结构采用了NFNET的技术技术来利用更深的网络而无需标准化层,并且(4)政策蒸馏方法可使瞬时贪婪的策略加班。
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细胞仪可实现异质种群中精确的单细胞表型。这些细胞类型传统上是通过手动门控来注释的,但是这种方法遭受了对批处理效应的重现性和敏感性的缺乏。同样,最新的细胞仪 - 光谱流或质量细胞仪 - 创建丰富而高维的数据,其通过手动门控进行分析变得具有挑战性且耗时。为了解决这些局限性,我们引入了SCYAN(https://github.com/mics-lab/scyan),这是一个单-Cell细胞仪注释网络,该网络仅使用有关细胞测量仪面板的先前专家知识自动注释细胞类型。我们证明,SCYAN在多个公共数据集上大大优于相关的最新模型,同时更快,可解释。此外,SCYAN克服了几项互补任务,例如批处理效应,脱钉和人口发现。总体而言,该模型可以加速和简化细胞群体的特征,定量和细胞仪的发现。
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在本文中,我们展示了一种独特的配方,可以通过将预处理技术融合到深度学习模型中来增强音频机学习方法的有效性。我们的解决方案通过通过训练而不是昂贵的随机搜索来优化超参数来加速培训和推理性能,从而从音频信号中构建可靠的蚊子探测器。此处介绍的实验和结果是MOS C提交ACM 2022挑战的一部分。在未发表的测试集上,我们的结果优于已发布的基线212%。我们认为,这是建立强大的生物声学系统的最好的现实世界中的一个例子之一,该系统在嘈杂的条件下提供可靠的蚊子检测。
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